Body types
Character structures

– based on W. Reich –

Discover the potentials behind your imprints

How does your unique life history reflect in your body, and how has your character been shaped, including its limitations and freedoms, pitfalls and qualities?

In this course, you will explore how the experiences you’ve had throughout different phases of your life impact you.

We will explore how you respond to various themes and learn how to free and release your body and your automatic reactions.

Every bodytype has it’s typical character, behavior and physical manifestation. Although there is a differentiation between the different character styles, nobody is imprinted with exactly one bodytype. Most people have imprints of all bodytypes and have 1, 2 or 3 stronger developed.

A character structure or bodytype is a reaction to basic needs in early childhood. They reflect through the body, the energy, the way you stand in life, and in relationship to others.
The masks we develop within these types are a strategy to survive and a way to cover the (emotional) pain. These strategies limit our movement space, and at the same time it’s pointing to that part of the soul that’s not hurt.

Each character structure or bodytype has it’s own potential, talent and strength that creates the specific personality and uniqueness of a person.

In this self experience workshop, we use the structure of the basic 5 bodytypes of Wilhelm Reich as a map.

We dive deeper in the different character structures or bodytypes, the body armery which goes with it and the healing movement to open them.

We examine the background of the basic themes in life where you experience stuckness and the ways to release them.

We discover the main types of each participant and the potentials and strengths whithin them. And we learn how to use these strengths in specific situations.


What will you learn?

⊗  Explore and experience the different Character structures or body types

⊗  How they shape us and impact our behaviours, relationships and breathing patterns

⊗  Knowledge and fundamentals of the model

⊗  The segments and body armour (Reich & Lowen)

⊗  You will discover how your specific reactions to others have their origins in your life history.

⊗  You may regain your vitality and spontaneity,

⊗  Reconnecting with your life energy and your body. This will help you feel happier, freer, and more connected, with yourself, with others, and with the world.



  • The training is for everyone interested in deep transformational work.
  • Anyone interested in the application of systemic work and the Reichian model
  • Professionals already working in the field who want to expand their skills and knowledge from a multidisciplinary holistic approach.
  • Trained Breathworkers who want to extend their skills, self experience and knowledge.

  You want to add a systemic approach to early childhood imprints to your work as coach, therapist, teacher, psychologist, bodyworker…

  You want to deepen your knowledge, expertise and self exploration.

  You want to experience this fundamental body-oriented approach



co-founder | lead trainer


co-founder | lead trainer

The current team is still being completed.
Find out more here >>





Hotel Flackl
Hinterleiten 12
2651 Reichenau an der Rax


DATES : Body types week

Sun. 15/9 – Fri. 20/9 — 2024

Sun. 2/2 – Fri. 7/2 — 2025

PRICE: 1225 €



Do you have questions?

Please contact us and send your specific question. We will answer them personally.

What payment options are offered for the training?

We offer different options for payment. You can choose to pay all at once or pay it in parts. These will be discussed during the intake interview.

Do I need to have any special knowledge or training beforehand in order to participate in this course?

You don’t need specific knowledge before.

Can I do this without the training?

This specific part can be done separate from the rest of the professional training.


The Integrative Somatic Breathwork training is accredited by the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance


The Wheel of Life is a supporting member of the Indernational Breathwork Foundation